Customer Testimonials

I reached recently out to Grapeville Agency with concerns about my current situation. There was a sense something wasn’t quite right. Turns out, it wasn’t. Elbert walked me through a simple process and found me a comparable policy that saved me over $200 a month! Mark D.

Great quick professional care every time I’ve called! Highly recommended. Seth K.

We love how easy it is to talk to someone and feel like they really care about us and care about helping us and that we aren’t another file number! Whenever I have a question, or when something happens, I don’t hesitate to call or send a quick email. They are always right there, know us, and give us the best advice for our family and situation! Kerianne D.

I can’t say enough good things about this agency. Elbert is always willing to hop on a quick call and answer any questions we have! He also saved us about $100 a month on our car insurance!! 10 out of 10 recommend the Grapeville Agency! Zac F.

I had the best service yet. Ken Manning is truly an outstanding professional. Oscar R.

I cannot say enough good things about this agency! Besides the fact that they saved my husband and I over $1000 a year (home and auto combined)! Insurance is confusing and overwhelming, but Elbert and Kenny always take the time out of their day to answer questions! I appreciate their business so much. I send them referrals on the daily! Amanda V.

Great service, Great people, Great business. We have been a customer of yours for 17 plus years! Micheal H.

Grapeville is by far the best company we have worked with- Elbert & Kenny take care of all our Home Owners & Car Insurance needs. Extremely professional, and easy to work with. Kara D.

Great place to do business! Great Staff! James B.

Elbert and the team at Grapeville Agency are amazing! They did everything possible to make sure I got the most coverage for the best price! Any time I have had a question or needed something done, they are so quick to help and handle the situation! Charles C.